Source code for flask.ext.pushrod.normalizers

Flask-Pushrod ships with a few normalizers by default. For more info, see :meth:`~flask.ext.pushrod.Pushrod.normalize`.

Flask-Pushrod's built-in normalizers are generally named with the scheme :samp:`normalize_{type}`.

.. note::
   Normalizers also apply to subclasses, unless the subclass defines another normalizer.

def _call_if_callable(x, *args, **kwargs):
    return x(*args, **kwargs) if callable(x) else x

[docs]def normalize_basestring(x, pushrod): """ :takes: - :obj:`basestring` - :obj:`~datetime.datetime` - :obj:`~datetime.time` - :obj:`` :returns: :obj:`unicode` """ return unicode(x)
[docs]def normalize_iterable(x, pushrod): """ :takes: - :obj:`list` - :obj:`tuple` - generator (see :pep:`255`, :pep:`342`, and :pep:`289`) :returns: :obj:`list` with all values :meth:`normalized <flask.ext.pushrod.Pushrod.normalize>` """ return [pushrod.normalize(i) for i in x]
[docs]def normalize_dict(x, pushrod): """ :takes: :obj:`dict` :returns: :obj:`dict` with all keys converted to :obj:`unicode` and then :meth:`normalized <flask.ext.pushrod.Pushrod.normalize>` and all values :meth:`normalized <flask.ext.pushrod.Pushrod.normalize>` """ normalized = dict((pushrod.normalize(unicode(k)), pushrod.normalize(v)) for k, v in x.items()) return dict((k, v) for k, v in normalized.items() if v is not NotImplemented)
[docs]def normalize_int(x, pushrod): """ :takes: - :obj:`int` - :obj:`long` :returns: :obj:`int` or :obj:`long` """ return int(x)
[docs]def normalize_float(x, pushrod): """ :takes: :obj:`float` :returns: :obj:`float` """ return float(x)
[docs]def normalize_bool(x, pushrod): """ :takes: :obj:`bool` :returns: :obj:`bool` """ return bool(x)
[docs]def normalize_none(x, pushrod): """ :takes: :obj:`None` :returns: :obj:`None` """ return None
[docs]def normalize_object(x, pushrod): """ Delegates normalization to the object itself, looking for the following attributes/methods (in this order): - __pushrod_normalize__ - Essentially treated as if a normalizer was explicitly registered - __pushrod_fields__ - A list of names fields, which is essentially treated like ``{k: getattr(x, k) for k in x.__pushrod_fields__}`` - __pushrod_field__ - A name of a single field, x is then substituted for what is (simplified) ``getattr(x, x.__pushrod_field)`` .. note:: __pushrod_fields__ and __pushrod_field__ can be either a callable or an attribute, while __pushrod_normalize__ must be a callable. :takes: :obj:`object` """ if hasattr(x, '__pushrod_normalize__'): return x.__pushrod_normalize__(pushrod) if hasattr(x, '__pushrod_fields__'): fields = _call_if_callable(x.__pushrod_fields__) return pushrod.normalize(dict((name, pushrod.normalize(getattr(x, name))) for name in fields)) if hasattr(x, '__pushrod_field__'): field = _call_if_callable(x.__pushrod_field__) return pushrod.normalize(getattr(x, field)) return NotImplemented

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